Sunday, May 26, 2013

Writing Unit 9: Write a narrative with dialogue An accident

Something happened a couple of weeks ago which was a real test of my honesty. I was with some friends playing baseball in one street of my towns. There is a statue in the street and, to cut a long story short, I broke the statue’s head with the football ball. We felt bad about the accident and we felt wrose when one of the policemans appeared.

‘Who broke the statue, lads?’ he asked. ‘Did you see anything?’ We looked at each other guiltily, then my friend spoke.
‘I’m not sure what happened,’ he said. He wasn’t exactly telling the truth and I knew that I had to say something.
‘The ball hit the statue,’ I said. ‘It was me who broke it.’ Surprisingly, the policeman didn’t look too upset. ‘Well, I’m gland that you admitted it,’ he said, ‘because I knew it was you. I saw you.’

In the end, nothing happened about the statue. The policeman was very good about it and it was an accident after all. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, but at least I felt that I’d done the right thing.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Writing Unit 8: A happy ending

This time last year, things weren’t going too well for me. I’d failed some exams at school, and I’d also had a big argument with my family. In my house I didn’t really want to see my family. I spend a lot of time playing computer games in my room.

Everything changed for me the day I read a book about be optimistic in own lives. People who is optimistic always fight for their ideals and never give up. The optimistics always live smiling and good things happen in their lives because they are friendly and they never are angry. Finally I decided to be an optimistic person and finally good things started to happen to me.

These days, i feel much happier. Be optimistic has made me feel more useful and sociable. I’m helping other people for be optimistic. If I hadn’t read the book, I’d never had the opportunity.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Speaking Dialogue Unit 9: How to: Explain and clarify a situation

Ferran Veciana:-Hi, Jordi. How was your last holidays?
Jordi Marias:-Not bad, thanks. Why do you ask?
Ferran Veciana:-Because you told me that you were staying in all the holidays, but I heard you were at Barcenlona.
Jordi Marias:-Who told you that?
Ferran Veciana:-Adam said that he'd seen you. How come didn't tell me about it?
Jordi Marias:-Cause I was only there for a half an hour.
Ferran Veciana:-Are you telling the truth, Jordi?
Jordi Marias:-Honestly, it's true! If you didn't believe me, you can ask Adam.
Ferran Veciana:-OK, OK. I believe you. Sorry, Jordi.
Jordi Marias:-That's OK.

Speaking Dialogue Unit 8: How to: Console and encourage

Ferran: Hey Jordi, you look a bit down. What's the matter?
Jordi: Oh, I've just heard that Marie, my girlfrind, has to moving away the city because her father works in Barcelona.
Ferran: Oh, right. Sorry to hear that. It isn't the end of the world though.
Jordi: I know, but I'm really going to miss him.
Ferran: Don't take it too badly - at least she won't be very far away and if you want, you can visit him in Barcelona.
Jordi: That's true, I suppose.
Ferran: Look at it this way - if she lives there her father have his work nearly.
Jordi: Yeah, maybe you're right.
Ferran: Cheer up! come on - let's go to a café or something.
Jordi: OK. Thanks, Dean. I feel a bit better now.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Writing unit 7: Changing laws

The government plans to introduce a new law which will mean that students will go to school on saturday in order to improve the level of education. In my view, this would have negative consequences.

In the first place, I believe that free time in weekends are necessary because young people must have a good youth and must have fun. Young people can’t always study because we won’t have time for our hobbies or for meet with friends. So if this new law is introduced, I’ve no doubt that a lot of them will have difficulty in making new friends and meeting with them.

If the aim of the government is improve the marks of the public school students, it seems that there’s a better alternative; if they spent more money on better classrooms and teachers, the students marks in this country will be better.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Writing unit 6: Spending my time

My name is Jordi Marias Parella and I'm a student in Escola Casa Nostra in Banyoles. I'm interested in dubsep music and comedy. Some of my friends are into dubstep too. The people who I spend most time are my mate "El tete" and my friend "El tato". The thing which I like best is playing with my laptop into La Draga park.

I think that in the world there are now a lot of injustice, so I think that we could improve the economic system because the economic crisis it's so dangerous. There aren't many things that make me angr, but one thing that annoys me is when people are rude and ignorant.

As far as the future is concerne, it sometimes worries me that we won't have peace. I find a bit froghtering that there's always a war somewhere in the world. I'm fairly optimistic about my own future thought. In a few years time, I see myself travelling arround the world with a bussines group.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Magazine: Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift's pop songs are loved by millions of fans... but it's her positive attitude and generosity that make her a real star.

From the moment the 14-years old singer arrived in the city of nashville, USA, it was clear she was destined for success. Taylor Swift moved to American country music capital from her home in Pennsylvania for just one reason... she wanted to be a famous country singer. Her songs soon made an impression on music bosses... and her dream became reality.

Early Succes

In 2006, at age 16, Taylor realessed her first single "Tim McGraw" about one of her ex-boyfriends. Love has been a theme of her music ever since. Taylor's public appreciated her intimate, autobiographical songs and in 2008 she was nominated for her first Grammy Award. Then at 2010 Grammy Awards, she became the youngest singer to win Album of the year... at age of 20.

In my opinion Taylor Swift is one of the best pop singers that there are in our world. Maybe the Taylor Swift will be the new Madonna.