Monday, May 13, 2013

Speaking Dialogue Unit 9: How to: Explain and clarify a situation

Ferran Veciana:-Hi, Jordi. How was your last holidays?
Jordi Marias:-Not bad, thanks. Why do you ask?
Ferran Veciana:-Because you told me that you were staying in all the holidays, but I heard you were at Barcenlona.
Jordi Marias:-Who told you that?
Ferran Veciana:-Adam said that he'd seen you. How come didn't tell me about it?
Jordi Marias:-Cause I was only there for a half an hour.
Ferran Veciana:-Are you telling the truth, Jordi?
Jordi Marias:-Honestly, it's true! If you didn't believe me, you can ask Adam.
Ferran Veciana:-OK, OK. I believe you. Sorry, Jordi.
Jordi Marias:-That's OK.

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