Friday, October 5, 2012

Observation of my oral presentation

You can see the "Power point" here

Did you use any resources?
Yes i use a power point.

Were the resources relevant and atractive?
I think that the topic of that oral presentation is boring for the audience because they are not interested about my summer holidays.

Did you show/talk about the photos to the audience?
No i didn't because i couldn't repeat this oral presentation

Did you look at your audience most of the time?
Yes i looked the audience most time.

Did you read from your notes?
Yes because i was nervous and i couldn't repeat this oral presentation.

Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Yes i moved the paper up and down

Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Yes, firstly i spoke about the most boring thinks and finally the most interesting thinks.

Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear?
Yes of course i used makers for make my ideas more clear.
Which ones?

Did you introduce interesting information to your audience?Maybe yes maybe no, depends on the audience

Did you look up informations/facts/ideas in the internet/books? Yes i went to the library to find information about my summer holidays.

Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? In the library firstly i found an encyclopedia about my summer holidays but i thought that there was too much information. So the information was superficial.

Did you check your grammar?
Yes i think that i chaeck my grammar about ten times

Did you use rich/new vocabulary looking up the dictionary?
yes i look in the dictionary about the word 'manifestation' and yes it's a accepted word, you can look for it

Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, of course.

Did you use fillers? No but i used to think that i must use it

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